Peace Building, is an essential part of human life in many countries today.Conflict has taken over so many communities around the world including my own,Nubians in Kibra 2002.
Religious conflict is one of the issues that have gone deep into the ‘veins’ of our societies.Religious conflicts have been sanctioned by some Christians and Muslims in our country (Kenya).This has become a circle that manifests itself in politics and private sectors.The results of such bias include unequal opportunities for all citizens, domination by either group in the work place and several other forms of discrimination.
From my personal experience in the 2013 general elections in Kenya, clergy in both churches and mosques emphasized that their members should elect only candidates who belonged to their own religious group. This caused rigging in the election and discontent among the respective religions members.
Religious leaders should know that they have a task of establishing peace in our societies.They are the closest to the citizens at the grassroot.They have more influence, and should therefore bear the burden of living in peace right from our hearts, our families and communities.They should teach and influence others to be followers of a peaceful life.
Together with my Muslim colleague Ally Abedi, we participated in the Interfaith Peace Training organized by Mara NATHA church and hosted by pastor Peter Nasimiyu from 21 to 28 September 2018 in Kericho.I learnt new perspectives about building peace, one of which is “Faith as a basis for peace building and advocacy”
Roles of religious leaders
I would therefore like to offer some tips on the role of religious leaders in peace building.They should:
- Know that religion has a strong influence on people’s belief or faith and conviction. Our religious practice should bring positive change to society and enhance mutual relationships among us in order to live in peace with one another.
- Know that peace or conflict can have an effect on us either as victims or perpetrators.
- Build relationships of trust with other religions.
- Stand together to challenge any form of injustice, and emphasize that PEACE cannot stand without JUSTICE.