Responsibility of religious leaders for nurturing peace in our society.

Peace Building, is an essential part of human life in many countries today.Conflict has taken over so many communities around the world including my own,Nubians in Kibra 2002. Religious conflict is one of the issues that have gone deep into the ‘veins’ of our societies.Religious conflicts have been sanctioned by some Christians and Muslims in…

How to Check your Political Party Membership in Kenya – 2022 Elections
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How to Check your Political Party Membership in Kenya – 2022 Elections

Kenya is a multiparty democracy whereby many political parties are allowed to participate in national and civic elections. a person can only be a member of one political party. Once a person’s name has been entered into the membership register of a political party, the person becomes a member of that party until such a time when the name is removed and entered into the register of another political party. The office of the Registrar of Political Parties (ORPP) is mandated to regulate the formation, registration, and funding of political parties in accordance with the Constitution and rule of law.

A Tapestry of 98 Diverse Marginalized and Minority Communities in Kenya

A Tapestry of 98 Diverse Marginalized and Minority Communities in Kenya

Summary Kenya is a very diverse county with 48 tribes living in 47 counties. Within Kenya, you also have 98 communities, tribes, or groups that self-identify or are classified as either marginalized or minority communities or groups. These marginalized or minority communities or groups have over 3,573,749 people or 9.3% of the Kenyan population. Galjeel…